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rapé to wean off nasal habits

€6,00 inkl. MwSt.

rapé to wean off nasal habits

€6,00 inkl. MwSt.


Yawanawa: Yawanawa's scent is earthy and slightly floral to wild. It strengthens the feminine energy flows in the body and has an awakening, clarifying and cleansing effect.

Nukini: Nukini is characterized by its cassis-like aroma and strengthens the masculine energy flows in the body. The effect is strongly grounding, helps to reduce stress and achieve clarity.

Kuntanawa: Nixpu is a long pepper plant that helps the body to warm itself and keep warm during cold times. Stimulates the heart region and calms the mind.

Guaratuaba: Guarana and Catuba are plants that contain caffeine, which gives them a stimulating effect – similar to coffee, without putting a strain on the heart.

Ayo: The scent is earthy with a rainforest note. The effect is visionary and slightly psychedelic. Harmonizes with creative activities.

Awiry: This green rapé has a floral taste and is very gentle – Awiry is therefore the ideal choice for beginners. It has an opening effect.

rapé for the weaning of nasal habits

Rapé is an indigenous incense blend that has been used in South America for thousands of years. The first rapé blends came from Acre in Brazil and over time many tribes across the continent developed their own blends.

Depending on the strain and recipe, very finely powdered herbs, medicinal plants, seeds and bark from other trees are also added to the mixture.

The typical challenges are emotional attachment, depression, low self-esteem or feelings of guilt.

Taking it can hurt to varying degrees, but it can also be painless. After application, the body is tingled, starting from the head. The whole body relaxes and the mind calms down. On a physical level, the entire respiratory system is freed. In other words, the throat, nose and ear area is cleansed and freed of mucus, toxins and bacteria, so that the body can be supplied with oxygen more easily and better. This can be used to effectively treat a cold or a runny nose, for example. More oxygen -> sensory organs function better -> greater attention. For example, hunters from indigenous tribes perform a rapé ritual before hunting in order to hunt more efficiently.

Other properties that underline the healing potential of Rapé:
  • Has an anti-depressant effect, helps with insomnia and anxiety
  • Helps to clear the mind and end the internal dialogue
  • Can be applied to wounds as an antibiotic and helps with scarring
  • Decompresses the pressure of the skull, eliminates headaches and dizziness
  • Promotes intestinal peristalsis, cleanses the intestine and frees it from parasites
  • Provides access to meditation
  • Supports you in letting go of emotions, connections or dependencies that do not serve you
  • Has an antipyretic effect
  • Brings the male and female sides into balance
  • By stimulating the pineal gland, it promotes dreams
  • Alleviates allergies and even immunizes
  • You feel more connected to animals and plants

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Sascha W.
Konnte keine Effekte feststellen

Konnte keine Wirkung, feststellen suchte ein Produkt zum ein schlafen für ungeeignet


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Great shop, top products, friendly and competent. Worth a recommendation!! 🔥🔥🔥


Very pretty shop, run by competent and friendly operators whose products convinced me with their quality. I was surprised by the large selection that you can only find at SupHerb in Vienna.



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