What helps against period pain?
How to find the right CBD oil. Plus: DIY recipe for CBD suppositories
Cramps, abdominal pain, low mood - many women and menstruating people are familiar with the symptoms of the "days before the days". PMS can trigger various physical and psychological ailments associated with your period. But you are not at the mercy of all this. This blog article is about how CBD can help you with PMS and period pain.
What is PMS?
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to symptoms that occur before the onset of menstrual bleeding. How exactly PMS occurs and why some people suffer more from it is not yet fully understood. It is probably triggered by a combination of several factors, e.g. B hormonal fluctuations associated with ovulation. Other causes lie in the psyche and the nervous system.
The symptoms that occur can therefore be very individual. They range from "classic" menstrual pain (cramps, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, etc. ), about general physical complaints (migraine, headache and back pain, exhaustion, etc. ) to mental suffering (mood swings, emotional lows, irritability, sleep disorders, etc. )
There are a variety of medical and non-medical treatments to alleviate these symptoms, from relaxation and breathing techniques to prescription medications. If you shy away from taking painkillers, CBD can be an effective alternative in treating PMS, period cramps, and other period discomforts.
How can CBD help with PMS?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a legal active ingredient that is extracted from the hemp plant (read here everything you need to know about CBD should know). In the context of PMS, its antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties can help. So CBD can relieve your PMS symptoms or simply help you deal with them in a more relaxed manner.
Unlike opiates, which e.g. B Used in the manufacture of various pain relievers, CBD is not addictive. In principle, both substances can relieve pain because they interact with receptors in our body. However, while opiates inhibit or even suppress pain transmission in the brain and spinal cord, they stimulate or CBD activates certain receptors. This releases the positive effects and effects described above.
CBD oil in PMS
Many women and menstruators swear by taking CBD oil to relieve their PMS symptoms. Understandable, since CBD oils taken orally can be very effective in relieving pain or discomfort associated with PMS. We can particularly recommend two products from our supHerb range:
Mimosa Extra CBG (20%)
Our "gold extract" is the right one for anyone who would like to try the use of CBD oil for menstrual or PMS symptoms.
The oil is purified and filtered, resulting in its clear, golden-yellow color. But it is not only beautiful and pleasant in taste, but also highly effective: In addition to 1. 000 mg CBD is also 1. 000 mg of CBG contain - a cannabinoid known for its particularly health-promoting properties (eg. B analgesic and anti-inflammatory). When you take it, you immediately notice a pleasant tingling sensation on your tongue and, depending on the dosage, the pleasant effect in your body soon afterwards.
Mimosa RAW (10%)
Our secret weapon in terms of effects and ingredients! Because the RAW oil is a so-called full spectrum product. This means that in addition to CBD, there are other cannabinoids and lots of plant substances that reinforce and support each other in their positive effects. This makes our RAW oil more natural than mono-substances and isolates, e.g. B are available in pharmacies or from conventional dealers.
By the way: Unlike our Mimosa Extra CBG (20%), the RAW oil is natural and unfiltered - and therefore black. If you also like coffee, pumpkin seed oil and Co. shouldn't be put off by the color...
Since the supHerb team does not consist of doctors and pharmacists and the period or Pain perception in connection with this is very individual, we do not want to give any application recommendations at this point. Our customer Rosa is happy to share her personal experiences with you:

By the way: It is better to take 5 drops 6 times a day than 10 drops 3 times a day or 30 drops once a day. (That depends a with the bioavailability of substances, i.e. how quickly or slowly active ingredients can be absorbed by the body in a certain amount. )
CBD crystals in PMS
Not only CBD oil can help with PMS and period symptoms. A proven method is to use CBD crystal vaginal pain-relieving suppositories. This may sound unusual at first, but it has a number of advantages:
- The active ingredients are placed exactly where they should help.
- Since they are not absorbed through the stomach, a lower dose is usually sufficient.
- Best of all: With our supHerb DIY recipe, you can easily make CBD suppositories yourself. All you need are 2 ingredients and a bit of time.
supHerb DIY Suppository Recipe
Disclaimer: The following description is a basic recipe. Since everyone is different and pain in particular is perceived subjectively, test out which dosages work for you. If you are unsure or have any questions, contact a doctor or pharmacist.
You will need:
- supHerb CBD crystals (99% purity)
- high-quality fat: The fat serves as a carrier for the suppositories. Be sure to pay attention to high quality and your personal compatibility. Suitable fats are e.g. B Coconut oil (antifungal and nourishing), cocoa butter (moisturizing and rich in minerals) or hard fat (the classic from the pharmacy).
Here's how:
- Heat 20 g fat in a water bath. Pay attention to the different pain points depending on the fat used. Stir in
- 500 mg supHerb CBD Crystals until evenly dissolved in the fat.
- Pour the resulting mass into a suppository (e.g. B reusable silicone mold).
- Let cool to harden and then refrigerate.
- Insert the suppositories vaginally to use.
Info from friends to friends
If you want to learn more about cannabis, check out the supHerb blog section. We are constantly uploading new articles here so that you can stay informed as best as possible. Or visit us personally in our physical shop in Vienna. We would be happy to advise you!
Praterstraße 14
1020 Vienna
Mon–Fri 11 a.m.–7 p.m.
Sat 12 p.m.–6 p.m.
The supHerb team does not consist of doctors and pharmacists. However, we have many years of experience in the CBD sector, which we will share with you to the best of our ability. This article focuses on using CBD for physical (physical) pain associated with PMS. If you suffer mentally and/or have individual medical questions about the use and dosage of CBD, be sure to consult a doctor.