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Cocaine - everyone does it, but how do you stop?

All of Vienna is addicted to cocaine, especially during ball season

...that was sung by one of Vienna's most outstanding personalities, Falco. And not much has changed since then.

The growing addiction problem surrounding cocaine poses a major challenge for society. In a world where performance and success are often seen as key factors for recognition, the pressure to constantly improve and perform can lead people to increasingly turn to drugs such as cocaine in order to meet this pressure to perform.

The dark side of this supposed solution is all too well known: the addiction, the dependence and the harmful side effects that burden the addicts' everyday lives and often lead to the destruction of their quality of life. But it is not just the physical strain and the impact on the social environment, but also the financial burden caused by the high cost of cocaine and the lifestyle associated with it that can have tragic consequences. It is a vicious circle from which many do not know how to escape.

But there is hope! supHerb, a pioneer in herbal alternatives to traditional medicine, offers possible solutions for those struggling with cocaine addiction. Firstly, supHerb offers Rapé, a sacred medicine from the Amazon basin that replaces the consumption habits of cocaine users due to its nasal intake. Secondly, Kratom, a powder made from the leaves of the Kratom plant, which can have both a calming and activating effect. In addition, there is of course the now well-known cannabinoid CBD, which can be used to support withdrawal.

Addiction is a disease but curable

Rapé, also called mapacho, is a substance from South America, ingested through the nose, and used by indigenous peoples for centuries in spiritual and medicinal ceremonies. Its use is deeply rooted in the traditions and beliefs of these cultures and is often considered a sacred medicine.

Rapé is offered by supHerb in the highest quality and is a good option for people who are looking for a natural alternative to overcome their cocaine addiction. It is recommended to perform a private Rapé ceremony, in combination with the special Palo Santo wood for incense, when an addicted person's craving for the drug reappears.

The natural effects of Rapé reduce cravings and allow people to reduce or stop using cocaine. Rapé can be used as a temporary solution to cope with acute cravings and thus serve as a first step towards an addiction-free life.

Anything is better than doing coke

We also recommend Kratom, a herbal product from Asia that has similar properties to cocaine, but without the harmful side effects. Our Kratom is sourced directly from trustworthy producers in Asia who have convinced us with their quality.

Kratom is used by many people as a safe and effective alternative to traditional medications for pain and withdrawal symptoms. However, it is important to note that kratom can also be addictive and is not a long-term solution.

We cannot recommend taking Kratom, as its marketing in Austria is unfortunately not yet regulated.

CBD to relieve withdrawal symptoms

CBD also has many positive properties, that can help people to quit addiction . However, we want to make it clear here that using CBD products such as flowers or oils alone does not do all the work of withdrawal. Nevertheless, CBD can be a valuable aid in coping with withdrawal due to its soothing effect on withdrawal symptoms!

People going through withdrawal often experience restlessness, concentration problems and emotional turmoil. Many of them also tend to resort to other illegal substances such as THC. Especially with strong stimulants such as cocaine, the constant change between euphoria and crash can put additional strain on the body. In such cases, CBD is the better choice in order not to further increase the lack of energy, to achieve a more balanced base in the body and, through the production of body's own dopamine to stabilize the mood.

However, we would like to stress that there is no easy solution and that each person is different. Successfully overcoming cocaine addiction requires a comprehensive approach that takes individual needs and circumstances into account. It is important to seek help and speak to professionals to find a treatment method that is right for you. At supHerb, we are committed to doing our part to help people overcome cocaine addiction and hope that we can help them live healthier and happier lives.

Finally, we would like to point out that in some cases, despite the methods offered, repeated relapses can occur. In such situations, it is advisable to seek professional help from detoxification clinics such as the Betty Ford Clinic, which specialize in the treatment of cocaine addiction. The Viennese equivalent is the Anton Proksch Institute in Kalksburg. Here, those affected receive the necessary support and care to break the vicious circle of addiction.

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