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420 Hanfparade

Demonstration for the Legalization of Cannabis – supHerb says thank you, Vienna!

Vienna, it’s time to party hard!

After seven legendary years in this wonderful city, supHerb wants to give back – with an event that will blow your mind: the 420 Legalization Parade.

It’s not just about beats, bikes, and bass – it’s about progress. We’re making a bold statement for the legalization of cannabis in Austria and across the globe. Let’s face it: it’s high time to leave outdated views on cannabis behind and celebrate the future – a green, open, and progressive future.

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Drum and Bass on the Bike – Dom Whiting!

When it comes to innovation and good vibes, we couldn’t imagine a better partner than Dom Whiting. This absolute legend started a movement during the pandemic by performing live Drum and Bass while riding his bike. What began on the streets of London has inspired thousands of fans worldwide – and supHerb is bringing Dom to Vienna at last!

On April 20, 2025, the international holiday of cannabis culture, Dom will take to the streets with us. As basslines echo through the city and walls shake, we’ll cruise through Vienna – all for a better tomorrow. We’re making it clear: legalization is long overdue.


You only turn seven once – and we’re going big!

This year is special: 7 years of supHerb in Vienna! And we’re going all out. The 420 Legalization Parade is our love letter to this city, to our friends, and to everyone who shares our vision of a fairer and freer world.

But this is just the beginning: after the parade, the real party kicks off! The plans for an epic afterparty are already in full swing, and we promise you an unforgettable night. Dom Whiting, Drum and Bass, and an entire city in party mode – what more could you ask for?


Be part of the movement!

Don’t miss out: on 420, April 20, we’re not just celebrating 420 culture – we’re celebrating YOU. Bring your bikes, bring your energy, and join us for a day that could change everything. Together, we’ll roll through Vienna with music, a message, and a mission: Legalize it!*

Vienna, thank you. Let’s make it green, loud, and unforgettable.

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