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Substance Legalization: Pros and Cons

Prohibition vs. Self-determination

Should drugs be legal or should they be banned? This question has been discussed around the world for decades. Whether it's about legalizing cannabis, cocaine or other substances: prohibition is always at odds with self-determination. But can such an approach even work? In this blog article, supHerb takes a critical look at a hot topic. We ask: Should drugs be banned to protect people? Or does it make more sense to educate responsible consumers? We also give our take on the currently hyped laughing gas and reveal where you can get it in the best quality. Let's get into it!

Praise the Prohibition?

Prohibition, i.e. the prohibition of certain drugs, is nothing new: Governments around the world have always fought against the consumption of intoxicants. supHerbies are familiar with this in connection with the legalization of cannabis, for example. Many are also familiar with the alcohol prohibition in the USA in the 1920s. But instead of achieving the desired results, prohibition has always created new problems: instead of reducing alcohol consumption in the 1920s, it led to illegal trade, dangerous black market products and an increase in organized crime. Instead of eliminating substances such as cannabis or cocaine through prohibitions, consumers are criminalized and stigmatized, while social rehabilitation and health support are made more difficult for them. At the same time, the illegal drug trade is flourishing and cartels are using legal prohibitions to make high profits. This in turn leads to violence, corruption and the instability of many countries (keyword: Latin America). The reality shows that prohibitions do not bring the desired results. But why? The reason is as simple as it is obvious...

Prohibitions do not help

If history and psychology have taught us one thing, it is that prohibitions are useless. Often they even have the opposite effect: we find what is prohibited particularly interesting and we are drawn to it as if by magic. In addition, we as humans strive for freedom. This includes the desire to be able to decide for ourselves what we put into our bodies. The idea of ​​preventing the consumption of substances through a ban ignores this desire for self-determination.

When it comes to the illegalization of drugs, prohibitions have a particularly harmful effect: they prevent quality controls on the banned substances. Instead, consumers are forced to buy products on the black market. These are often contaminated or adulterated, which increases the risk of overdose or health complications.

What are the benefits of legalization?

Prohibition is an (unfortunately short-sighted) attempt to solve existing problems: by banning the consumption of certain substances, the aim is to protect the health of the population and combat crime. However, research shows that this attempt backfires: the negative consequences of bans are often more serious than the original problems.

So the question is: What speaks against legalization? To put it briefly: Nothing. Because government regulation of drugs would prevent the black market trade, thereby increasing the safety of consumers and generating tax revenue. This could be used for prevention programs, health care and education, for example. More information and education would also lead to better drug handling, because experience shows that informed consumers are responsible consumers. All in all, a win-win-win situation - without prohibition!

Nitrous oxide: What is it and how does it work?

A current example that is further fueling the ban debate is laughing gas, an odorless and tasteless gas that is also known as N2O. It is repeatedly targeted by regulatory authorities. The problem is that laughing gas is freely available in supermarkets in the form of cream capsules, with no age restrictions. Without appropriate information, careless, negligent use is virtually inevitable.

Consumers generally describe the effects of laughing gas as pleasant. The substance creates a relaxed, slightly happy feeling that disappears after a few minutes. Of course, as with all substances, every body reacts differently, so it's best to approach it slowly.

Nitrous oxide: Where to buy?

As with all substances in the supHerb universe, the same applies here: Quality (and safety) first! That's why we have taken care of products that, as always, meet the highest standards. If you just want to try out laughing gas, you'll find a classic in the supHerb range: Exotic Whip . For particularly experimental supHerbies, there is also Cream Deluxe - our special in four fruity varieties.

By the way: Our supHerb Cream Deluxe products are also available from the vending machine: around the clock and 100% anonymously, in the Vendora vending machine store on Mexikoplatz.

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