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Rapé - what is it actually?

Rapé is an indigenous mixture of Aztec tobacco - also called mapacho, powdered herbs and medicinal plants that has been used by South American indigenous peoples as a natural medicine for thousands of years.

There are various mixtures, most of which consist of Aztec tobacco ("Nicotiana Rustica"), which is 20 times stronger than conventional cigarette tobacco and does not contain any harmful additives such as tar. In addition, the ash from the bark of the Pau Pereira tree is often added traditionally. Depending on the recipe, finely powdered herbs, medicinal plants, seeds or even bark from other trees are added to the mixtures.

Mixing ash and plant powder requires skill and experience, as the ratio of the two ingredients is crucial for the effect and quality of the Rapé recipe.

In addition, its production is a sacred ritual that requires a close relationship with the plants and spiritual forces contained in the mixture. In some cultures, it is customary for the rapé maker to enter into a deep spiritual meditation before making the product in order to obtain the right energy and alignment.

Rapé is not traditionally snorted, but blown into both nostrils using applicators. This guarantees stimulation of the pineal gland, which sets the various cleansing and healing processes in motion. The applicators used to blow a pea-sized amount of rapé into the nose are called "Kuripe" for easy self-application or "Tepi" for shared use.

When using the product, pain can vary in intensity or even be non-existent. After use, the body feels a tingling sensation, relaxes and calms the mind. The respiratory system is freed, i.e. the throat, nose and throat area is cleansed and freed of mucus, toxins and bacteria, and the body is better supplied with oxygen. For example, a cold or a runny nose can be treated with Rapé, or concentration can be increased. The concentration-enhancing effect is used, for example, by hunters from ancient tribes who perform a Rapé ritual before hunting.

The healing properties of Rapé can be used in many ways:

  • has an antidepressant, sleep-promoting and anti-anxiety effect
  • applied to wounds as an antibiotic and promotes scar formation
  • against headaches and dizziness by decompressing the pressure
  • promotes intestinal peristalsis, cleanses the intestine and frees it from parasites
  • provides access to meditation
  • supports the letting go of emotions, connections and dependencies
  • has a fever-reducing effect
  • brings the masculine and feminine side into balance
  • has a dream-inducing effect
  • alleviates allergies (up to immunization)
  • promotes a connection to flora and fauna

Varieties available at supHerb and their effects:

Awiry - Awiry is a lighter Rapé variety with an intensity of 1/3. The ingredient used here is the unfermented Awiry plant. This is a wild-growing tobacco plant whose special feature is that it contains no nicotine. This green Rapé has a floral scent and an opening effect. It is very gentle, which makes it ideal for beginners.

Kuntanawa -The intensity of Kuntanawa is 3/3. It is composed of Mapacho, Tsunu ash and Nixpu. Nixpu is a long pepper plant that helps to warm the body and keep it warm. In addition, this variety stimulates the heart region and stimulates the mind.

Ayo - Ayo has an intensity of 3/3 and is composed of Mapacho, Parika ash, Yopo and Ayahuasca ash. The scent is earthy with a rainforest note. The effect is visionary and slightly psychedelic, which makes it a good match for creative activities.

Nukini - With an intensity of 3/3, Nukini is composed of Mapacho, Tsunu ash, Shuané and Haianí. The aroma is cassis-like, the effect is Strongly grounding. Nukini helps reduce stress and achieve clarity and strengthens the masculine energy flows.

Guaratuaba - The intensity of Guaratuaba is 3/3. This variety is a mixture of Mapacho, Tsunu ash, Guarana extract and Catuba extract. Guarana and Catuba are caffeinated plants with a stimulating effect like coffee but without putting a strain on the heart.

Yawanawa - This variety has an intensity of 3/3 and is composed of Mapacho, Tsunu ash and other unfortunately secret ingredients. Yawanawa has an earthy and slightly floral to wild scent. It strengthens the feminine energy flows in the body and has an awakening, clarifying and cleansing effect.

The rapé offered at supHerb is imported by Oswood .

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