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What is CBDp?

All facts about the rare cannabinoid

Bye bye H3CBN and hello CBDp: While most retailers are just jumping on the H3CBN bandwagon, supHerb sees this hype coming to an end and is already presenting you with the next hot trend. The fuel that is currently replacing H3CBN and other cannabis products is called CBDp .

In this blog, supHerb tells you what CBDp is all about. We explain why the substance is relatively new on the market but still not unknown, what it all has to do with THC or THCp and clarify whether CBDp is really 30 times stronger than normal CBD.

What is CBDp?

CBDp is a very rare phytocannabinoid that occurs naturally in the cannabis plant and was first isolated in a laboratory in 2019. The abbreviation CBDp stands for cannabidiphorol, other names for the substance are CBD-C7 and CBD-heptyl. Its molecular formula is C23 H34 O2.

How does CBDp work?

Of course, every substance has a very individual effect on every body. This is also the case with CBDp, which is why supHerb cannot make any general statements about the effects of CBDp on the human body at this point. However, the Italian research group that first discovered CBDp and THCp carried out tests in which they administered both substances to mice. Among other things, they showed that the effects of CBDp were similar to those of CBD, just as THCp was similar to those of THC. What was interesting, however, was that a much smaller amount of both substances (CBDp and THCp) was needed to achieve effects. It can therefore be assumed that CBDp has a stronger effect than CBD, and various user experiences also lead us to suspect this.

Is CBDp psychoactive?

CBDp is generally said to have a psychoactive effect and this should not be underestimated. The cannabinoid appears to have a much stronger effect on the body than conventional CBD. For more information on the effects of CBDp, just read on.

What does CBDp have to do with THCp?

As already mentioned, CBDp was discovered in 2019. The research team that was able to isolate the cannabinoid for the first time came across another substance: THCp. Just as CBDp is related to CBD, the same applies to THCp and THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. In addition, CBDp and THCp also have some similarities: Both substances are only present in very small amounts (less than 1%) in the cannabis plant, both have the same special features at the molecular level (but we'll come to that later). And it seems that both have a stronger effect on the human organism than their "conventional" equivalent (CBD or THC).

What is special about CBDp?

As already mentioned, CBDp has a significantly stronger effect than conventional CBD. Researchers suspect that this peculiarity could also have something to do with the chemical structure of the cannabinoid. Unlike CBD, whose molecules are characterized by a 5-membered alkyl side chain, CBDp (just like THCp) has seven chain links. It is assumed that the different chemical structure means that CBDp can bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain differently than conventional CBD. In addition, CBDp has an activating effect on the so-called serotonin receptor (5HT1A receptor), which suggests that it has a mood-enhancing effect, among other things.

Is CBDp synthetic?

In principle, CBDp occurs naturally in the cannabis plant and is therefore not a synthetic substance. Just like THCp, CBDp only occurs in very small quantities, which is why both molecules were discovered relatively late and only using the most modern techniques, including high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). As mentioned, since CBDp only occurs in small quantities in the cannabis plant, commercially available CBDp is produced in the laboratory by conversion (isomerization) from CBD isolate (in the form of crystals). It can therefore be described as a semi-synthetic substance.

What dosage can I consume CBDp?

Since CBDp is more potent than conventional CBD according to user experience, cannabis users who want to try CBDp should definitely use a lower dose than with conventional CBD. Because every body reacts differently to substances, supHerb recommends approaching the substance slowly and with due care. After a dose that is too high, "coming down" can be exhausting - no matter what the substance.

Is CBDp really 30 times stronger than CBD?

Since the discovery of CBDp and THCp, research has focused more on THCp. This binds around 30 times more strongly to the relevant receptors in the brain. However, as already described, because both substances have a seven-membered alkyl chain (unlike conventional CBD and THC, which have five-membered alkyl chains), many people assume that the higher binding affinity of THCp can also be transferred to CBDp. In fact, there are no scientific studies to confirm this.

Are there any side effects of CBDp?

Since CBDp has not been studied much, it is difficult to rule out possible side effects, although one could assume that they are similar to those of CBD. However, your best protection against unwanted side effects is probably to pay attention to high quality and trustworthy sources when purchasing CBDp products. You should also make sure to take a correspondingly low dose when taking it for the first time (see above: What dose of CBDp can I consume?).

Where can I buy CBDp?

Do you want high quality CBDp from a reliable source? Then supHerb is the right place for you! As your trusted cannabis retailer, we set the highest standards for our products and their quality. This also applies to our CBDp, which only goes on sale at supHerb after careful selection and testing.


Although supHerb has researched extensively, we cannot guarantee that all answers in this article are complete or permanently correct. Of course, we will remain vigilant and inform you as best as possible about the latest findings on this topic.

If you have any further questions about CBDp, please send us a message to .


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